January 19th 2018

Kallion IX nykymusiikkipäivät

Konepaja Bruno, Helsinki

Program: Ohjelma: Lejaren Hiller: Prolog to Strophe III from Computer Cantata (1963) Olivier Messiaen: Mode de valeurs et d’intensités (1949) Marc Sabat: Intonation for Morton Feldman 2 (2004) Olli Koskelin: exalté (1985) Laurence Crane: Jacques Derrida goes to a nightclub (1986) -- Peter Ablinger: Piccolo und Rauschen (1996) Lejaren Hiller: Epilog to Strophe III from Computer Cantata (1963) Morton Feldman: Now is the time that all good men come to the aid of the country (1964) Horatiu Radulescu: Immersed in the wonder (1996) Luigi Nono: La fabbrica illuminata (1964)